is our traditional and complete bespoke funeral service designed just for you. Our basic fees remain the same but the final costs will vary depending on your wishes, e.g. cremation or burial, choice of coffin, number of traditional vehicles involved, where the service is to be held, press notices etc. We are also able to assist in arranging catering, floral tributes, service sheets, and so on.
A full estimate of costs will be presented following our meeting to discuss the arrangements, but as an initial guide, we would expect the price for this service to be £3299
Provision of all professional services including advice, support and guidance.
Preparing and attending to all essential documentation.
Bringing the deceased into our care, preparation and presentation of the body. Embalming is an option.
Providing a hearse and all necessary personnel to carry
out the funeral. -
Provision of a “Shaftesbury” traditional, natural veneered oak coffin, matt finish, fully lined, fitted with quality furnishings and engraved nameplate.
Crematorium fees. (For burials please see "itemised prices" for Bradford Cemeteries grave costs).
Viewing the deceased if required.
Contacting celebrant; arranging press notices, service sheets and floral tributes.
Our full support throughout.
Following a cremation returning the ashes to you.